miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010


Informarketing blogs,let`s promote places creating jingles,poster,and blogs,let`s use all marketing strategies, to offer options to the customers....


Banco del Libro:http://ty4545y45.blogspot.com/

Museo Alejandro Otero: http://maoalejandrootero.blogspot.com/

Sala de Lectura: http://saladelecturapaulacorrea-lisbe.blogspot.com/


miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010


1st. Place: Alejandro Otero Museum.

Photography is an art, to proyect images,which could show the

subjective or objective point of view of the authors.

Marketing should use photography as a means to sell, promote or simple exhibit a product a service or a good.

Computing: use the photography as a tool, and it can be improved or adapted using differents programs to show a photo with the highest quality.

2nd.Book Bank: Av. Luis Roche Altamira.

3rd.Curiepe & Saint Juan.

4th.Reading Room. (El Calvario)

Come and join us to see our 1st photo exhibition...

Tittle: My view

Place: Marketing wall, in front of Marketing coordination.
From wednesday 7th to Monday 12th,2010.

Book Bank.
Saint Juan (Curiepe).
Ezequiel Zamora Park (El Calvario)

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

My Museum

To visit the Carlos Cruz Diex Museum was an experience to see a new cultural space addressed to Marketing students and Computing students could see some elements important to be applied in their careers.

How is your point of view of the museum according to your career perspective?

What did you learn from the visit to the museum?